Episode 8 – Salted Almond Honeycomb

Podcast Episodes

Sue is joined by Krista, Sarah and Kristi to chat about our friends the bees!

Flavour: Salted Almond Honeycomb

Topic: Bees and honey

Location: Baskin Robbins, Avenue Road and Lawrence, Toronto, ON Canada

Join the conversation about bees and honey, and/or suggest a flavour and loosely-related topic you’d like us to tackle next!

Podomatic: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/weallscream/episodes/2020-02-08T16_51_52-08_00

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/8-salted-almond-honeycomb/id1478898557?i=1000465036654