Episode 9 – Cotton Candy Crackle

Podcast Episodes

Sue and Krista use some quarantine time to chat about their favourite candies and try out Baskin Robbins’ delicious flavour of the month for April 2020!

Flavour: Cotton Candy Crackle

Topic: Favourite candies of all time

Location: Our current living room/isolation

What are some of your favourite candies of all time?

Podomatic: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/weallscream/episodes/2020-04-12T16_49_41-07_00

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/9-cotton-candy-crackle/id1478898557?i=1000471298173

Episode 7 – Jolly Mint

Podcast Episodes

Sue chats all things Christmas with Beth and Sarah!

Flavour: Jolly Mint

Topic: Christmas

Location: Baskin Robbins, Christie & Bloor, Toronto, ON Canada

What are some of your favourite Christmas/holiday memories?

Podomatic: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/weallscream/episodes/2019-12-21T11_54_31-08_00

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/7-jolly-mint/id1478898557?i=1000460423779

Episode 2 – Chocolate

Podcast Episodes

Sue is joined by Beth, Christina, and Sarah to enjoy a scoop of Baskin Robbins classic Chocolate ice cream, while discussing favourite flavours – then and now – as well as the best ice cream we’ve ever had!

Flavour: Chocolate

Topic:  Favourite flavours – then and now, best ice cream ever

Location: Baskin Robbins, Christie and Bloor, Toronto, ON Canada

What’s your favourite ice cream flavor?  Has it changed over time?  What was the best ice cream YOU’VE ever had?

Note: I’m still learning, and finding my feet, so I apologize for the sound quality, the somewhat choppy editing, and the lack of a real ending! 😉

Podomatic: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/weallscream/episodes/2019-09-15T14_52_25-07_00

iTunes/Apple Podcasts:  https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/2-chocolate/id1478898557?i=1000449908946

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeAllScreamPodcast

Twitter: @WeAllScreamCast

Instagram: @weallscreampodcast